Saturday, October 3, 2020

My Mental Breakdown



 Stress eats holes in your brain | Star TribuneRecently, I was getting overwhelmed by everything happening in my life. I am taking six classes while working full time at a behavioral health. This week was one of my busiest weeks in the school year. My mind was foggy/ cloudy, I was stressed out and lost appetite for food. It suddenly hit me that I am having a mental breakdown. So I needed to take a few days off to gather myself and prepare to get back into my flow. The message of this post is to inform you all to take care of your mental health. We are all going through hard times that can either make or break us. Take time to gather yourself and attack the obstacles life throws at you. 


  1. WOW, six classes! That's a huge load to handle, I'm taking four classes and I certainly am having difficult balancing all my classes plus also working. I've never had such a busy semester filled with tons of coursework, especially in online courses, but I blame COVID. Nonetheless, we'll get through this! Mental health is so serious, and we often put so much on our plate that it becomes overwhelming and unhealthy. I can certainly relate. Stay strong and just do things one step at a time.

  2. You certainly have a lot on your plate. I completely understand how you feel and I have been going through a bit of that as well. I glad that you recognized that you need to take a break and took care of yourself. I hope that things are better in the future and just remember to take it all day by day.

  3. Excellent message Arinze! I'm glad you were able to recognize the signs and take a few days off to get your bearings straight and continue your journey :-)

  4. Six classes plus a job is a lot to take on. I hope you got the rest you needed to get back into the swing of things.

  5. I'm happy to see that you took some time to yourself. I learned this through my military career due to the demand the job. I always make time for myself throughout the week and try not to bite off more than I can chew. Good luck with your semester, we're almost half way there.

  6. Its good you you realized you needed to take a break. Hope you're feeling better now.

  7. I hope you are feeling better. Sometimes it helps when I'm stressed out to go hiking with my dog or even for a walk in the park to refresh my mind.

  8. First off I would like to commend you! Mental health should not go unrecognized, mental health should be everyone's top health priority, nothing can function if the brain does not function. Stay the course and you will overcome your obstacles!

  9. Six classes! Thats intense!! But I'm sure you know yourself and you know you got this! I personally can't even imagine that work load rn!
