Friday, September 25, 2020

How I Lost Fat

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    Losing fat is a complicated process to endure. The hardest part of losing fat is dieting, which surprises most people who are new to fitness. Of course, working out is great, but if you're putting the wrong types of food into your body, you counter the results made through exercises. To burn weight, you have to be in a caloric deficit, meaning calories must be burned out. This is where people make a mistake. For instance, you run a mile and burn 400 calories. If you eat a meal worth 800 calories, you put more calories into your body than you burned. This is how most people gain weight. Another way people gain weight is by eating too many Carbohydrates and not counting the calories they consume. Eating too many Carbohydrates is terrible because it stores fat if not used up as fuel for workouts. If you are not counting calories that you put into your body, then you will overeat. 

With the information above, here is what I did to lose fat, and this is what you can do as well:


  • Find out how many calories (calorie calculator needed to lose both fat/weight and split meals throughout the day to equal the amount needed. 
  • No Carbohydrates at night, only eat them an hour before working out to use as fuel, so it does not store as fat.
  • Watch and count the calories you eat for your meals.
  • Drink water in between meals to stay full and hydrated
  • Go hard in your workouts(Sprinting, swimming, running, boxing, high-intensity interval training, etc.)
  • If your shirt is soaked in sweat, then your workout was perfect.
  • Make sure to burn the calories you eat. It is also ok if you have some calories you did not burn.
  • Get adequate amounts of sleep if possible. It is highly recommended.
  • Once you achieve the weight you like, recalculate your calorie intake for maintenance. 


    To make it simple, eat enough to burn off the calories consumed, do workouts that are fun (a must to keep the routine as a habit), and eat Carbohydrates before your workout. If you follow these steps for a few months, you will have the dream body you thought you could never achieve. 


  1. "No Carbohydrates at night, only eat them an hour before working out to use as fuel, so it does not store as fat." First time hearing about this one. Thank you for the education :-)

  2. I agree most people eat too many carbohydrates. I have diabetes so I have to count my carbs so looking at carbohydrates on the nutrition label is a must. It adds up really quickly!

  3. Thank you for the very informational piece! I have certainly learned so much from your blog post, and it is relevant in my life right now as I am trying to put on more lean muscle and lose body fat. I will definitely utilize the resource. Not sure if you've heard of this type of test before, but I am really interested in taking a InBody Test, which is a body composition analysis using bio-electrical impedance.

  4. I'm trying to do better about cutting back on my carbohydrates. I'm not trying to lose weight per say but I would like to be healthier and be better about taking care of my body. Thanks so much for the tips.

  5. I'm glad to see another person concerned about their health and willing to do research about it. Understanding your body and what it needs can also lead to more energy and a better outlook on everyday life. Thank you for the informative post.

  6. I agree with cutting your carbohydrate intake, I also find fasting helpful. I generally drink a protein shake in the morning after my run.

  7. Appreciate the blog article, valuable information for our health and wellness. This post reminded me of a few family members and friends that participated in a 400 calories a day diet. Also congratulations on accomplishing better health.

  8. Food is definitely the hardest part. I've always ate whatever I wanted in whatever quantities I wanted. Luckily I was very active playing sports or working-out multiple times a day. Sadly, now that I'm not as active I've noticed some unhealthy weight gain.

  9. Working out and losing weight is a really big undertaking, but sharing tips and information that is true and correct is great because not only is it informational but its inspirational.
