Sunday, September 6, 2020

This Year Is The Worst


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 61 facing criminal charges, mostly for looting, during L.A. protests: DA's  office | KTLA  2020 so far, has been a terrible year. We have lost too many greats in a matter of months. Regis Philbin (legendary talk show host and three-time Emmy winner who died on July 24 at the age of 88), Grant Imahara (member of the Build Team from the show "Mythbusters" died on July 13 at age 49 from a brain aneurysm, Naya Rivera (member from the show "Glee" who died on July 13 at age 33 from drowning on a boat), Chadwick Boseman (Actor who played T'Challa in "Black Panther" and died on August 28 at age 43 from a four year battle of colon cancer) Kobe Bryant (Former NBA player for the Lakers who died on January 26 from a helicopter crash), and many more. 

    Not only did all these people die, but the world got hit with CoronavirusThis virus shut down everything you can think of. All stores were closed down, the stock market had a little crash, schools transitioned to online, public spaces were no more available to the public, jobs were terminated temporarily for long periods, which caused concern for most people, ATM's running out of money, and overfilled hospitals leaving no room for those who had COVID and needed immediate attention. However, It does not stop there. Police brutality was on the rise, which caused an uproar in every city. People were terrified for their lives, and small/ big businesses were destroyed due to people looting. 

    As things are getting better, it is possible for a second wave to hit, which was mentioned by Dr. Fauci. However, luckily, we have a team of scientists who are preparing vaccines to combat COVID. However, the problem is that most people feel the vaccine is not going to help but will cause health issues instead. Most people will not take the vaccine, which may be a concern because with the second wave coming, things will get ugly. 2020 has been a terrible year, and hopefully, 2021 can avenge everything that occurred.


  1. 2020 is only 75% over. Let's hope the final quarter is better :-)

    Looking for some good news this year, I found this article:

  2. This year has certainly been a turbulent roller-coaster ride. Not only have the public figures you mention in your blog post, unfortunately, passed away, but hundreds of thousands of people around the world have also passed away as a result of this horrific COVID-19 pandemic (keep in mind the death roll keeps on rising!). Our friends, family-members, neighbors, colleagues, teachers- not to generalize, but literally everyone- has been affected by this pandemic directly or knows someone personally who's been affected. The biggest takeaway I learned from this year is to truly value how precious life is, and to not be too critical or harsh on myself, as there's more to life than micromanaging or over-thinking every decision I make.

  3. The year of the pandemic has been the 1st of it's kind, well in my lifetime. Absolutely many of people have given their lives this year, and families have bared the unfortunate pain of these events. I am thankful that the world did not fall completely into chaos, but held strong through this unfamiliar time. The stock market crash was an once in a lifetime ride on the way up, unbelievably profitable and reaching all time highs. It was a rough year, but change is neutral only a person can make it good or bad.

  4. When I heard the news that Chadwick Boseman passed away from colon cancer it really hurt. He was one of my favorite actors. I loved him in Black Panther and 42. But also when I was 19 my mother also passed away from colon cancer so it really affected me because no one knew he was sick but also reminded me of my mom.

  5. This year has been such a roller coaster and I agree that its been rough. I remember where I was when I found out about Kobe Bryant. It shocked me at first because I thought it wasn't real. Then the news hit me, and I was in a daze all day. I grew up playing basketball and watching his games. I may not have been a Lakers fan but he had a positive impact on my life. Things will get better.

  6. It has definitely been a trying year, but to be honest, my life was kind of the same as it is now before covid-19. I worked from home before it all, and since I had to work until 7:00 p.m. I only went out on the weekends. The only difference is the way I go out now versus before the pandemic. There are things that I miss such as hanging out at the bookstore with my daughter, or taking my kids to their once-a-year movie trip during the summer. Although my life has not changed much in the sense that I was already a homebody, emotionally it has been exhausting because of my job. I work in the financial department of a call center, so I have to answer people's questions on their bills and such. However, when the shut downs first started it was just call after call of distressed customers - many of whom treated me like their personal punching bags. Things have gotten better since then, and after everything, I do feel better equipped to handle the emotional calls, but it is still heart breaking to hear some of their stories.

  7. Life is full of pain and tragedy. There was a point this year when my older sister got super overwhelmed with all the devastating news, in the world and within our own family and she asked me why I thought things like that happen? I really thought about it, why do great and terrible things happen? Because they can, and they happen over and over again almost to prove that they can. If they didn't, we wouldn't believe they happened. If we didn't know pain and suffering and the hardship that is born of it, if we didn't believe in tragedy, we wouldn't appreciate the beauty of the good days. And life is full of so much good and beauty.

  8. To be honest with you, I might be the person who's thinking of not taking a vaccine and I never take any flu shots not because I do not want to, but I afraid of needle. But seeing this virus is so dangerous I will be likely to take a vaccine when it is available.

  9. This year has definitely not been the best. In situations like this it's always good to view the positives. Also, it's better to think about things we can change and not what we can't.

  10. This year was pretty horrible for quite a lot of us. The biggest struggle I faced during this year was handling most of the financial responsibilities at home with my family. Being one of the only people with a job at home, my schedule become very hectic. I just hope 2021 is filled with positive outcomes and opportunities.
